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October 10, 2022 / 2022 Power 25 Health Care

2022 Power 25 Health Care: Lou Gianquinto

Lou Gianquinto

Lou Gianquinto is among the insurance executives who believe in the value of virtual care — especially coming out of the pandemic, which taught people that some medical visits can be done remotely.

In February, Gianquinto announced that his company — Anthem, the state’s largest health plan that covers more than 1 million people in Connecticut — would be the latest insurer to begin offering virtual primary care services to eligible commercial members via health app Sydney Health.

That app provides access to routine services including new prescriptions and refills, preventive tests, lab work and referrals to in-network, in-person primary and specialty care when needed.

Gianquinto was named president of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Connecticut in November 2020, replacing Jill Hummel, a well-respected insurance executive who spent seven years in the same role.

Leading Anthem’s Connecticut business represents a homecoming for Gianquinto. He’s got strong ties to the state having graduated from Southern Connecticut State University and earned an MBA from the University of New Haven.

He also held several jobs in the Connecticut insurance industry at UnitedHealthcare and Oxford Health Plans, where he led initiatives to improve quality, manage costs and increase affordability.

Most recently he served as president of Missouri Care, Anthem’s Medicaid business in Missouri.

As he works to protect Anthem’s Connecticut market share lead, he said one of his top priorities is to advance more value-based contracts with providers that pay doctors and hospitals more based on performance rather than a fee-for-service model.

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