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2023 40 Under Forty: Melissa Braun

Age: 34 Company: Whittlesey Title: Tax Manager No. of years with current company: 11 Town where I live: Rocky Hill Town where I work: Hartford College: Sacred Heart University Highest degree: Master’s degree in accounting, Bryant University
More Information

Melissa Braun is a tax manager at Whittlesey, a regional accounting firm in Hartford. Braun started with the firm after graduating from Bryant University in 2012.

She serves various industries, from commercial, residential and affordable housing real estate to financial institutions, construction and high-net-worth individuals. Braun is co-founder and now the leader of the real estate thought leadership niche and is a coach and mentor to staff. In 2023, Braun was named one of CTCPA’s Women to Watch.

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What’s been your biggest professional accomplishment so far in your career?

My biggest professional accomplishment so far is mentoring staff and fostering an environment for them to learn and grow. As a leader in the firm, you’re only as strong as your team. I find great joy in encouraging my team to take on new challenges as they advance in their career.

How are you involved in the community?

I am a member of CREW Network, which is transforming the commercial real estate industry by advancing women globally. I participate in women’s leadership and professional groups, like the Connecticut Community Bankers Association. I am a past executive committee member of Community Accounting Services, a nonprofit that provides free tax and financial counseling to eligible residents.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I like to travel with friends, read and knit/crochet. I am in three book clubs. I also participate in “block of the month clubs” that mail you yarn once a month and instructions on how to make different patterns that turn into a blanket.

Why do you deserve to be a 40 Under Forty?

• Co-Founded and now lead the real estate thought leadership niche at Whittlesey.

• Mentored and coached numerous team members to advance in their career.

• Assist in creating processes and procedures to improve the tax department.

• Organizes department events to promote employee engagement.

Fun Fact

To relax during busy season, I knit or crochet different projects, like baby blankets or pillows.

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