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Updated: April 20, 2020 / 2020 Power 50

24: Melissa McCaw

Melissa McCaw, Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management

When it’s time to publicly present the budget of the state’s most powerful politician, Melissa McCaw stands and delivers.

As secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, McCaw is involved in major policy and fiscal decisions on behalf of the governor that affect powerful interests, including those of the business community.

For example, OPM helps the governor decide whether his budget proposal will honor previously pledged tax breaks. The agency also played a key role in negotiating a high-stakes tax settlement late last year with Connecticut hospitals that sued the state over a provider tax, seeking as much as $4 billion.

McCaw draws on 18 years of finance and operations experience in government and education. As Hartford’s chief financial officer from 2016 to 2018, she helped Mayor Luke Bronin guide the city through a debt restructuring and cost-cutting process that staved off bankruptcy.

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