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February 22, 2021 / 2021 Best Places to Work in CT

ADNET Technologies, ranked 4th

ADNET Technologies CT Headquarters: Farmington Industry: Services Website: Top CT Executive: Christopher Luise, Co-CEO, ADNET Technologies See all the BPTW in Connecticut winners.
More Information

ADNET Technologies is an IT management and security firm that works with clients to provide industry-leading service across three core areas: managed IT services, security and cloud.

Employee Benefits: Offers employer-sponsored eldercare assistance for employees with aging family members, such as transportation to medical appointments or meal delivery; securing of proper care and/or assistance facilities; information about financial resources; or counseling support for caregiver stress.

COVID Response: ADNET’s Co-CEO Christopher Luise began producing the employee-named “Captain’s vLog,” an internal video blog designed to share important news, company strategy and answers to employee questions.

Employee Recognition: Client accolade awards based on client feedback and testimonials.

Fun & Relaxation: ADNET has a virtual “Keurig” channel on Microsoft Teams where it encourages people to post fun and casual stories and stay connected.

Healthy Living: No overtime or overtime kept to a minimum.

Trophy Case: Best Places to Work in Connecticut each year from 2014 to 2020, all presented by the Hartford Business Journal.

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