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July 17, 2014 40 Under Forty 2014

Ashley M. Maagero

Age: 31

Title/what I do: Director, marketing, at The Travelers Companies Inc. Throughout my career, I've been fortunate enough to spend time in both the political arena and corporate world. I'm fascinated by the confluence of business, politics, and the community. Currently, I serve as a member of the Business Insurance marketing team at The Travelers Companies Inc. I'm a news and political junkie and have always been curious about the world and how things work. I volunteer with Foodshare, serve on the local Habitat for Humanity marketing committee and enjoy participating in the political process.

Town where I work: Hartford

Town where I live: Farmington

College I attended: Northeastern University

My passion, hobby or special talent: I'm passionate about politics, current events, the ever-evolving digital space and serving as a leader in the community.

Twitter handle: @ashleymmaagero

No. of LinkedIn connections: 500+

Favorite place to network: Everywhere!

Favorite drink at a networking event: Pinot noir

How do I create connections in my professional life?

Every person you meet has something to teach you. No matter where you are in life, there's a lesson to be learned and a new skill to be had. Relationships and connections are core to that process. I appreciate varying perspectives and enjoy conversations with smart people who challenge me to think differently and expand my knowledge about a myriad topics. I'm very social in general, and I love to meet and talk to new people — whether in the office, at the gym, a local coffee shop or even traveling on an airplane. You can make connections in the most unexpected of places.

What's been my biggest challenge professionally?

Prior to transitioning to the corporate world, I spent a number of years in management and communications functions on high-profile political campaigns. Joining a large company was a big change, but one that balanced me out professionally and expanded my knowledge about how corporations work and contribute to the broader economy and community.

What is the best advice I received?

There are a couple of pieces of advice that have stuck with me over the years. First, my Dad always taught me that the only thing standing between you and your dreams is you. Lofty, but true. If you put your mind to something, you can achieve it. Also, in 2010, I had the privilege of leading Oz Griebel's campaign for Governor. Oz taught me about the importance of partnerships and how bringing passion to what you do every day inspires those around you – attitude is everything. Finally, be resourceful – don't be afraid to ask questions and leave no stone unturned.

What do I want my legacy to be?

I admire individuals who use their leadership positions in business, community, and politics to drive social change. The ultimate measure of success is not what you get – it's what you do with what you have that makes the difference.

Check out the other 40 Under Forty for 2014 winners

Stephen Carrabba

Leticia Colon de Mejias

Erin M. Concepción

Molly Devanney

Jennifer R. Fiereck

Betsey Castle Gainey

Martin Gugliotti

Bryan Hall, II

Benjamin Howarth

Ashley (AJ) Johnson

Garrett Kenny

Vincenzo M. Landino

Heather Loranger

Kim Margolis

Lindsey Mathieu

Tracy I. McKaveney

Ryan McKeen

Adam McLaughlin

H. Scott Miller

Alison Morris

Peter J. Murphy

Kristina Newman-Scott

Brandon Ojakian

Michelle M. Pandolfi

Erin Pirro

Ken Procino

Steven Raider-Ginsburg

Brian Rich

Matthew Ritter

Robert Ruffolo

Lindsay Ryan Jensen

Zachary Schwartz

Jarrett Solomon

Erica Ann Thompson

Jason J. Warnke

Tim Yergeau

Jennifer Young

Christopher R. Zito

McKinley Albert

Keshia Ashe

Dr. Jill Buban

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