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February 5, 2016

Bank will consolidate branches

Northwest Community Bank has announced plans to consolidate the operations of its East Granby branch with the bank’s Granby branch on April 1. The branch located at 8 School St. in East Granby will close on March 31.

East Granby and Granby customers will be served at the Granby branch located less than four miles away at 33 Hartford Ave., Granby. The East Granby staff will relocate to Granby.

Gayle Moraski, vice president and branch administrator, said the decision to close the branch is based largely on technological advancements in the industry and customers’ increasing usage of electronic banking channels to conduct transactions, which has reduced lobby traffic.

Northwest Community Bank is a mutually owned state-chartered bank headquartered in Winsted since 1860. In addition to Winsted’s main office, the bank has branches in Avon, Granby, New Hartford, and Torrington; as well as the academic branch at Northwestern Regional High School in Winsted.

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