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March 10, 2017

Brackets for Good Htfd. fundraising tops $53K

Hartford area nonprofits have raised $53,149 in the Brackets for Good tournament so far, the third highest among 11 metro regions fundraising for the contest, organizers said Friday.

Only Indianapolis and Louisville have raised more than Hartford since the contest began Feb. 24 - $256,641 and $82,205, respectively. But they have participated before. Of the first-time competitors, Hartford ranks first, said Brackets for Good Spokesman Bernard Kavaler.

Round 2 of the nonprofits competitive fundraising tournament ends at 8 tonight, when the field of 32 will be narrowed to 16, Kavaler said.

The winning organization will net a $10,000 championship grant.

Each nonprofit keeps the money raised in round one, whether they advance or not, and so far the closest matchup is between MARCH Inc. of Manchester and the Boys & Girls Club of Bristol, which are separated by only $39, he said.

The Hartford City Mission has raised $6,878, the most of any organization so far, but the Children’s Law Center of CT is right on its heels with $6,076.

Participating nonprofits rally enthusiastic donors to out-fundraise their opponents in order to advance in the tournament. Dollars from donors translate to points as participants advance in their markets. Competing nonprofits keep donations received during tournament play.

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