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November 8, 2024

Bristol apartment building sells for $1.99M, nearly double 2021 price

CoStar 218 West St. in Bristol

A Brooklyn, New York-based real estate investor recently sold a 16-unit apartment building in Bristol for nearly $2 million, almost double what it cost in 2021.

A limited liability company headed by Abraham Indig, of Brooklyn, paid $1 million for a 1919-vintage, four-story apartment building on one-fifth of an acre at 218 West Main St. in 2021.

In a deed recorded Oct. 8, the 11,640-square-foot, brick and masonry apartment building sold for $1.99 million to a limited liability company headed by Pinchus Minzer. In state business records, Minzer lists the apartment building as his personal residence and business address. 

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