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July 17, 2014 40 Under Forty 2014

Bryan Hall, II

Age: 36

Title at work/what I do: Adult probation officer. I am responsible for supervision of people sentenced to a period of probation through our state's judicial system. Probation supervision ultimately promotes public/community safety while rehabilitating offenders. What I do involves many roles and responsibilities, all of which I approach with a morality that derives from who I am as a person. In both my professional and personal life, I readily embrace roles that are more of a calling than a responsibility.

Town where I work: Norwich

Town where I live: Hartford County

College I attended: Eastern Connecticut State University (undergrad); University of Connecticut (master's degree)

My passion, hobby or special talent: Family, my health, my career, community involvement, and the personal growth/development of our youth

Twitter handle: #notwitterforthisguy

Favorite place to network: Any place in which an in-person conversation can be had. Effective, interpersonal communication is becoming a lost skill!

Favorite drink at a networking event: Vodka and cranberry. Simple. Classic.

How do I create connections in my professional life?

As old fashioned as it may sound, an overwhelming majority of my professional connections have been fostered through direct communication and socialization with others. Trainings, seminars, and networking events have been most beneficial in familiarizing others with my name and professional capabilities. Word of mouth is and will always be most powerful. With the explosion of social media as a networking and promotional tool, utilization of those platforms must be embraced. However when it comes to solidifying long-standing professional relationships, there is no substitute for in-person presentation.

What's been my biggest challenge professionally?

As a community servant often dealing with marginalized demographics, I sometimes struggle with accepting the fact that others may never come to realize the potential and capabilities I see in them. When investing the amount of physical and emotional energy it takes to empower another person, there becomes a vested interest in that process; you genuinely want to see a fellow man or woman do better for themselves.

What is the best advice I received?

That in life, it is important to never pass judgment of a person, regardless of circumstance…. to always remain consistent and unbiased in your approach to helping others, particularly those in need.

What do I want my legacy to be?

My legacy will ideally speak to the humility that is so much a part of the fabric of who I am while guiding everything I've done in life. That the leader I am has allowed others to follow me in a way that taught them to become leaders. That regardless of what I may progress to achieve, I was always true to self while remaining in touch with humble beginnings and everything I endured to get there. My legacy will be shaped by my willingness to show compassion and help those in need, as I once was that person with a hand out. A legacy that will prospectively help to shape the ideals and moral compasses of tomorrow's leaders. I was a rose that grew in the ghetto… and planted enough seeds to grow a garden of roses in the same spot.

Check out the other 40 Under Forty for 2014 winners

Betsey Castle Gainey

Martin Gugliotti

Benjamin Howarth

Ashley (AJ) Johnson

Garrett Kenny

Vincenzo M. Landino

Heather Loranger

Ashley M. Maagero

Kim Margolis

Lindsey Mathieu

Tracy I. McKaveney

Ryan McKeen

Adam McLaughlin

H. Scott Miller

Alison Morris

Peter J. Murphy

Kristina Newman-Scott

Brandon Ojakian

Michelle M. Pandolfi

Erin Pirro

Ken Procino

Steven Raider-Ginsburg

Brian Rich

Matthew Ritter

Robert Ruffolo

Lindsay Ryan Jensen

Zachary Schwartz

Jarrett Solomon

Erica Ann Thompson

Jason J. Warnke

Tim Yergeau

Jennifer Young

Christopher R. Zito

McKinley Albert

Keshia Ashe

Dr. Jill Buban

Stephen Carrabba

Leticia Colon de Mejias

Erin M. Concepción

Molly Devanney

Jennifer R. Fiereck

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