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July 25, 2016 40 Under Forty 2016

Charles Kenneth Botts III

Charles Kenneth Botts III Charles Kenneth Botts III
Charles Kenneth Botts III speaking at a career-readiness seminar for Hartford youth.
Charles Kenneth Botts III with a King James reference Bible.

Age: 38

Company: Career Team LLC

Title: Subject Matter Expert

Town where I live: East Hartford

Town where I work: Hartford

College: Trinity College


What do you do and what are your goals in your current job? I improve the career development resources offered to customers of our region's American Job Centers through training and program development. I hope to increase the reach and impact of my work for people in career transitions by creating new and innovative career-development resources.

What are your goals for your community involvement? To serve God's people as I am best able. I make an impact through large-group motivation and behavior change. I hope to use this skillset to make a local, national and global impact in empowering father's engagement, encouraging young people to develop entrepreneurial thinking and working to end human trafficking.

What's your biggest passion? Inspirational public speaking has been a passion of mine since the first time I was given the opportunity in church.

What are your future aspirations? To serve God's people locally as a pastor and regionally as an elected official bringing civility and moderation to public office. I will also serve God's people nationally and internationally as a motivational speaker and senior associate with our firm.

What needs to happen for Hartford to become a more vibrant city where people work, live and play? Those who commit themselves to serving Hartford must live the ideal of 'What can I do for Hartford?' not 'What can I get from Hartford?' True servant leadership will both engage the masses and demonstrate true commitment and understanding of the issues. As a whole, we need to discover our voice and define our city as opposed to looking for outsiders for answers. The moment residents, supporters and investors of Hartford come together and embrace our identity is the moment Hartford stops being a cause that needs to be championed and becomes the solution to our region's challenges.

List four reasons why you deserve to be a 40 Under Forty:

  1. Starting my own social media and brand-development company that has allowed me to influence the experiences of young people in the metro Hartford area.
  2. Rewrote and reworked the job seeker training program “EAGER” for Jobs First Employment Services customers, providing improved assistance with career readiness and employability.
  3. In conjunction with Faith Tabernacle of Manchester, traveled to Guatemala building homes and schools for an orphanage.
  4. Four consecutive years appeared on “Good Morning CT,” the FOX 61 TV show, to assist job seekers by providing expertise on 21st-century, career-success strategies.

Time Tested:

What personal possession in your life has withstood the test of time? Student Bible

What hobby did you develop at a young age that you still enjoy today? Playing video games

Twenty years ago, what did you envision as your future profession? Physical therapist for an NFL franchise

Who do you consider your mentor? Christopher Kuselias, CEO of Career Team LLC

See the complete list of Forty Under 40 Winners for 2016! 

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