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November 18, 2014

CI awards $1.8M from CT bioscience fund

Connecticut Innovations said it has awarded $1.8 million to Yale University and two companies for bioscience research and product development.

The money comes from the Connecticut Bioscience Innovation Fund, which was created last year.

Two Yale research teams will each receive $500,000. One, led by Richard Flavell, is working with Jackson Laboratory in Farmington to develop new strains of research mice.

The other, led by Craig Crews, is developing a molecule to address treatment resistance for a rare type of bone marrow cancer.

Meanwhile, Loon Medical in Tolland got $458,000 to further develop an alert system for home monitoring of dementia patients and others.

And Guildford’s Tangen received $500,000 to further develop a diagnostic test for tuberculosis to be used in the developing world.

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