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November 7, 2024

Community Mental Health Affiliates CEO to step down next June

Contributed Ray Gorman

Community Mental Health Affiliates (CMHA), a New Britain-based private nonprofit treatment provider, announced that Raymond J. Gorman, its president & CEO for nearly two decades, plans to step down next June.

The organization said its board of directors has already begun a “comprehensive process” to select his successor.

Gorman, a Waterbury native who lives in Newington, has had a long career in health care, including leadership roles in both public and private organizations.

He began in 1985 with the state Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services (DMHAS), and 10 years later was appointed deputy commissioner of DMHAS by then-Gov. John G. Rowland.

In that role, he oversaw the closing of two state hospitals, centralized DMHAS inpatient services at Connecticut Valley Hospital in Middletown and helped develop the community system of care that is now utilized.

In 1996, he was confirmed as commissioner of the state Office of Health Care Access, now known as the Office of Health Strategy (OHS). He served six years as commissioner, and his tenure included the approval of the first Connecticut hospital acquired by a for-profit entity and the closing and consolidation of underperforming hospitals.

In addition to his state service, Gorman also was director of Community Health Services’ sites in New London and New Britain, and also served as executive vice president and chief operating officer at The Village in Hartford.

Gorman joined CMHA as a consultant in 2005 and became its president and CEO the following year. 

Over the past 18 years, he led numerous capital and expansion projects, including the purchase and renovation of CMHA’s flagship location at 233 Main St. in New Britain. He also spearheaded the acquisition of two certified community behavioral health clinics in central and northwest Connecticut, increasing access to mental health and substance use treatment.

Last month, CMHA also acquired a 12-bed residential property in New Britain. It was the eighth facility purchased since 2016 as part of a strategy to increase long-term equity and provide program stability.

CMHA added that, since 2006, its operating budget has increased by more than 250%, its revenue is more diversified and the organization is financially stable. CMHA’s client census also grew by over 30%, it said.

CMHA Chairman of the Board of Directors Todd DeGroff said Gorman’s vision for CMHA and its future has been “unmatched.”

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