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January 13, 2023

CT Paid Leave Authority paid $249M in benefits during first year

The Connecticut Paid Leave Authority announced Friday that it had paid $249 million in benefits on 97,450 claims through the end of 2022.

The state’s paid leave program, funded through a 0.5% payroll deduction, began accepting applications on Dec. 1, 2021.

Of the nearly 100,000 claims, 49% were for the applicant’s own serious health condition, 16% were for pregnancy, 22% were for bonding, 12% were to care for a family member and 1% were for other reasons, including family violence and military.

The average time for the authority to make an initial decision on whether to approve or deny leave to an applicant was 7.6 days, the authority said.

Nearly 63% of the 90,364 claims received by the authority were approved.

Also, the authority fielded 383,130 calls, 85% of which were answered in 30 seconds or less.

As of Sept. 2, 2022, the Connecticut Paid Leave Authority had made 54,048 decisions, including 33,989 approvals and 20,059 denials.

The top reason claims were denied was that the requested documentation was not received.

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