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July 13, 2015 Silver Tsunami

CT's healthcare industry preps for 247,000 seniors, but hurdles remain

Connecticut Association for Healthcare at Home One way Connecticut is trying to combat high healthcare costs associated with an aging population is by expanding homecare services (shown above), which is a much lower-cost setting than institutionalized care.

In this week's installment of HBJ's series, “Connecticut's Silver Tsunami,” reporter Matt Pilon takes an in-depth look at the impact the state's aging population will have on the healthcare industry.

As 247,000 Connecticut residents move into the 65-plus age group in the next 15 years, demand for myriad healthcare services will rise.

Find out how the state plans to care for Connecticut's graying population without breaking the bank. The state also faces major challenges developing its future healthcare workforce.

This Week: Pulse Check

Previous installments

July 6: Replacement Players

April 20: Redefining Retirement

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State workers begin filling CT's downtown twin towers

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