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December 2, 2016

CT's voter turnout sets record

More than 1.6 million Connecticut residents, just under 77 percent of eligible voters, turned out for the November election, a figure Secretary of the State Denise Merrill called “unprecedented.”

The final certified figures reveal that 1,675,955 people cast a ballot out of an all-time high 2,178,169 registered voters, Merrill said.

Voters on Nov. 8 considered candidates for president, and the offices of United States Senator, Representatives in Congress and the Connecticut General Assembly.

Merrill said that the high turnout “shows that election modernization is working.”

Hundreds of thousands of people registered to vote online and tens of thousands more took advantage of Election Day registration and the streamlined motor-voter system, which enables citizens to register while applying for a driver’s license, she said.

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