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August 7, 2015

DMV closed next week

Saturday morning will be the last chance for motorists to transact business at the Department of Motor Vehicles for at least the next week.

The DMV announced the shutdown last month, tied to a planned overhaul of its decades-old computer system.

DMV Commissioner Andres Ayala Jr. said in a press conference Thursday that the agency will begin the shutdown after the close of its regular Saturday hours at 12:30 p.m. After that point, online registration services will be unavailable until Aug. 17 at the earliest, Ayala said. Brick-and-mortar branches will reopen Aug. 18 at 7:45 a.m.

Road testing appointments and administrative penalty hearings will proceed as scheduled during the shutdown. But other motorist transactions won't be available during the system upgrade.

DMV has extended to Oct. 10 deadlines for renewing licenses, registrations and I.D. cards that expire during the closure.

One reason for those extensions is to ease expected long lines at DMV branches upon reopening.

“Don’t rush back when we reopen Aug. 18,” Ayala said.

The $25 million project aims to provide more online services.

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