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Updated: November 15, 2020 / 2020 Health Care Heroes

Dr. Syed Hussain

Dr. Syed Hussain, Senior Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer, Trinity Health Of New England


Honoree Category: Physician

Dr. Syed Hussain plays a critical role in Trinity Health Of New England’s ability to achieve nationally recognized patient safety ratings.

Specifically, he works to bring together key players, including physicians, managers, nurses, post-acute care facility leaders, homecare facilitators, and more to implement changes to ensure each of the organization’s five hospitals sees a reduction in hospital-related harm to patients.

His work has allowed Trinity Health’s hospitals to attain significant achievements in reducing the rates of hospital-associated infections, hospital readmission, and the length of stay patients are hospitalized.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, one of his greatest tasks was to enhance cross-regional communication between clinicians so they can share innovative solutions and best practices.

Since the onset of the pandemic, Hussain has been at the forefront of Trinity Health’s emergency preparedness efforts.

Some of his contributions included: establishing and leading the emergency Incident Command Center (ICC); leading the virtual-care taskforce to establish a virtual-care platform; obtaining FDA approval for a phase two clinical trial of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19 patients; and establishing three drive-through COVID-19 test sites.

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