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August 4, 2022

East Windsor wants Tesla to come to town

Photo | Flickr/Austin Kirk A Tesla Supercharger.

After the South Windsor Planning and Zoning Commission rejected a plan to bring a Tesla dealership to town, East Windsor officials say they would welcome such an establishment.

East Windsor First Selectman Jason Bowsza sent a letter on July 29, making it known that the town is interested in a Tesla dealership on Route 5.

On July 26, South Windsor’s PZC rejected the proposed text amendment allowing the sale of electric vehicles in the Buckland Road Gateway Zone.

After hearing about the rejection, Bowsza wrote to Jon Hauser, managing partner for Drake Real Estate, stating that he would invite him to consider East Windsor as a potential site for the Tesla project.

According to Bowsza, East Windsor would be a great place for a Tesla dealership because the town is equal distance from Springfield and Hartford.

“East Windsor is home to many thriving automotive businesses along our Route 5 corridor,” Bowsza added.

The fear of Buckland Road becoming similar to Route 5 is exactly what drove the majority of the South Windsor PZC to reject the text amendment.

During the July 26 meeting, South Windsor PZC Chairman Bart Pacekonis and Vice Chairman Kevin Foley suggested that Hauser open a dealership on Route 5.

Hauser said that Tesla wanted to be in the Buckland area of South Windsor because of the “great names” in the area like Apple, Whole Foods, and Nike. He said he was unlikely to relocate to the South Windsor portion of Route 5.

Bowsza said East Windsor’s PZC is in the process of amending the town’s zoning regulations with the intention of easing the restrictions on electric vehicle charging station placement.

The PZC will hold a public hearing on the proposal on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

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