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February 7, 2023

Elicker: New Haven is 'on the move'

SCREENSHOT New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker delivers his "State of the City" address on Monday, Feb. 6, 2023.

New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker told residents Monday the city is making “steady and significant” progress on its objectives, which include boosting local business and driving economic growth.

Elicker delivered his fourth “State of the City” address to a crowd in City Hall’s Aldermanic Chambers Monday evening.

“The state of our city is bright and New Haven is on the move,” Elicker said. “When it comes to our city’s economic growth, we are undoubtedly steadily progressing in the right direction. In many ways, our growth in recent years has been extraordinary.”

Elicker reported that in 2022 alone, 58 new storefront businesses opened in New Haven. Since 2020, 163 new businesses have opened their doors here, he said.

Elicker pointed to the local Small Business Resource Center and DNA of the Entrepreneur program as resources that help entrepreneurs either start their own businesses or grow their existing ones. 

The city’s first Black Wall Street Festival this past summer showcased more than 25 Black-owned businesses and artists. According to Elicker, it was so successful the city is committed to making it an annual event and hopes to double the number of participants next time.

In his speech, Elicker pointed to multiple large-scale projects in the city, such as the new Elm City Bioscience Center on Church Street and the groundbreaking for the $838 million new Yale New Haven Health Neuroscience Center on the St. Raphael campus.

Elicker said the city is excited for the planned 2023 opening of the new bioscience tower at 101 College Street, construction at Square 10 (the former New Haven Coliseum site) and future development at Long Wharf

Elicker also spotlighted how the city is gaining recognition for its culinary and cultural offerings, including being named on The New York Times' global list for “52 Places to Go for 2023.”

“New Haven is a place where more and more businesses want to be, and this growth is providing more of our residents with good-paying jobs that allow them to support themselves and their families and to build wealth,” Elicker said.

However, Elicker noted there is still more work to be done.

“Some of our residents are still out of work while others are underemployed,” Elicker said. “One in four residents still live in poverty. And because we are committed to an inclusive economy where no New Havener is left behind, we will keep marching forward.”

Contact Michelle Tuccitto Sullo at

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