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May 16, 2024

Farmington’s new school transportation provider proposes New Britain Ave. bus depot

PHOTO | FILE IMAGE A row of school buses.

The new school bus transportation provider in Farmington is seeking a special permit to establish a hub at 150 New Britain Ave., the former site of Madigan Millwork.

Earlier this year, Specialty Transportation Inc. of West Hartford won a five-year, $23.5 million contract to operate school bus services for the town.

The proposed facility, which is in the Unionville section of town near Farmington High School, includes parking for 44 full-size school buses, 11 md-size school buses and 24 minivans.

The hours of operation will be 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on school days. Office staff will be on-site when school is not in session. There will also be a mechanic.

Employee parking is also included in the plan.

Madigan Millwork is no longer on the property and Specialty Transportation will be the main tenant.

Specialty Transportation will begin transporting students to and from school at the start of the 2024-25 school year, taking over for Old Saybrook-based M&J Bus, which had a bus depot nearby at 485 New Britain Ave.

Specialty Transportation has locations in West Hartford, Avon, Berlin and Guilford.

The 6.5-acre property at 150 New Britain Ave., is owned by Choice Landscaping II LLC.

The Planning and Zoning Commission has set a public hearing on Specialty Transportation's application for its next meeting, which starts at 7 p.m. May 20.

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