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July 11, 2022

Hartford-area workers exceed national average hourly wage

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Workers in the Hartford area had an average hourly wage of $32.28 in May 2021, 15% above the national average of $28.01, according to new data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

Wages in the area were higher than the national average in 19 of the 22 major occupational groups, including management, healthcare and life, and physical and social science.

There were 45,040 management workers with an average hourly wage of $65.51 per hour, higher than the national average wage of $59.31, according to the data.

The BLA report says that the Hartford area had above-average concentrations of employment in management occupations. Financial managers were employed at 2.8 times the national rate, with 7,460 workers in that group.

Transportation, sales and food preparation were among the nine groups that had employment shares below their national representation.

The data is from the Bureau Labor Statistics’ annual report for occupational employment and wage statistics for Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford in May 2021. 

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