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July 20, 2021

Hartford Land Bank names new CEO

Facebook Arunan Arulampalam.

The deputy commissioner of the state Department of Consumer Protection has stepped down from his role to take the reins at the Hartford Land Bank.

The land bank’s board of directors announced Monday that Arunan Arulampalam has been appointed CEO. He will take over for Carey Shea, who has served as interim executive director since February.

The Hartford Land Bank identifies and acquires abandoned, tax-delinquent and otherwise distressed properties in the city to facilitate their rehabilitation and return to productive use.

In a statement, Arulampalam said he wants Hartford residents to share in the economic rewards of the nonprofit’s efforts.

“In this role I hope to grow a pipeline of Hartford developers of color who can acquire capital working on land bank properties, youth in our city who can acquire skills in the construction trades by working on those properties and renters in our city who can become homeowners by purchasing those properties,” he said. “If we can do that, the land bank will create sustainable generational impact by building generational wealth.”

Arulampalam is a resident of Hartford’s South End. He is a commissioner on the Hartford Redevelopment Authority, is on the Hartford Charter Review Commission and on the board of the Hartford Public Library.

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