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February 14, 2018

Hartford school district snares $380K foundation grant

The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has awarded a $380,000 grant to the Hartford public school system to support family and community partnerships.

Funding from this grant will allow the Hartford school district to develop new expectations for family and community partnership across all departments and create a new staff structure to support effective family engagement and partnership at the district and school levels.

In addition to this funding, the total cost to implement Hartford Public Schools’ districtwide family, school, and community partnership efforts will include funding from the Hartford Board of Education, the state Department of Education, and other grants.

“Building a strong suite of engagement practices and structures as essential elements of all the services provided in our schools is one of my key goals as leader of this learning community,” said Superintendent Leslie Torres-Rodriguez. “This funding will secure the development of positive relationships through effective community engagement and communication, which in turn will help us improve on identifying need and making better use of all available resources.”

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