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Updated: November 15, 2020 / 2020 Health Care Heroes


(Left to right) Dr. Samantha D’Annunzio; Dr. Michael Franco; Dr. Eric Leibert; Dr. Alissa Greenberg; Dr. James Doyle; Dr. Lisa Youkeles; Dr. Ross Mazo; Dr. Bruno DiCosmo; and Dr. Sandra Wainwright.


Honoree Category: Physician

Greenwich Hospital’s intensive care unit treats and monitors critically ill patients.

Intensivists — physicians specializing in the care of critically ill patients — manage the unit, which includes specially trained nurses and respiratory therapists who treat patients with complex and life-threatening conditions.

At Greenwich Hospital, the intensivists worked in the intensive care unit (ICU), caring for the sickest COVID-19 patients at a time when there was little information on how to treat patients with the coronavirus. They saved many lives but also witnessed many deaths.

These physicians, many with their own private practices, immediately volunteered to work in the ICU, despite the risk of contracting the potentially deadly disease and bringing the highly infectious virus home to their families.

Several lived apart from their families for months; others stayed in separate quarters once they came home from work each day. Many did not see or hug their children for weeks.

At least one physician contracted COVID-19 and returned to work in the ICU for several months straight after recovering from the disease.

In the midst of this crisis, the intensivists were never deterred by early reports documenting ICU mortality rates exceeding 80 percent. They compassionately provided the highest level of care to every patient, even those who were profoundly ill.

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