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July 17, 2014 40 Under Forty 2014

Jason J. Warnke

Age: 37

Title at work/what I do: Financial planner at Ameriprise Financial Services Inc. I help individuals and families develop and implement a financial plan designed to help them achieve their life goals and dreams. I serve as an educator, problem solver, and in some cases the financial therapist, as often times each family member has different goals or views on wealth management. In addition to developing a plan, I offer a wide variety of investment solutions. I am licensed to provide life, disability, and long-term care insurance where appropriate for my clients. The most rewarding part of my job is sitting aside my clients, helping them craft a unique plan of action designed to achieve their financial goals. Each case is like a new puzzle.

Town where I work: Farmington

Town where I live: Avon

College I attended: University of Maryland

My passion, hobby or special talent: Traveling and exploring the world with my wife and spending quality time with our son, Chase. Also, I am a diehard Red Sox and Terrapin fan.

Twitter handle: @Warnke22

No. of LinkedIn connections: 500+

Favorite place to network: Sporting and charity events

Favorite drink at a networking event: A unique craft beer. It is often a great conversation starter!

How do I create connections in my professional life?

The vast majority of the new clients that come to my practice are referrals from existing clients. There is no better way to feel as though you are truly appreciated for what you are doing than receiving a phone call from someone a current client has referred. Additionally, I stay active in the community, participating in organizations such as the West Hartford Exchange Club, Nutmeg BBBS, and several other civic groups. Many times, business generates organically through service.

What's been my biggest challenge professionally?

Maintaining a balanced life. The old adage in my industry is that you do not want all of your eggs in one basket. You want to be well diversified. I feel as though the same principle should hold true in your personal life. Therefore, I strive to make sure that in addition to providing the highest level of service possible to my clients, I also make time for family, friends, community organizations, and staying active. Even with all these life facets pulling me in many directions, I also think it is critical to diversify your businesses and revenue sources. For this reason, my wife and I continue to invest in rental real estate and keep our eyes peeled for other business ventures.

What is the best advice I received?

The best advice I ever received came in the form of the example my father set. He was also an entrepreneur, and listening to him, from the age of 4 on, interact with his clients both over the phone and in personal meetings was better training for life as a business owner than any college degree could provide. I am forever indebted.

What do I want my legacy to be?

I would like to raise children who were proud of what their father accomplished both professionally and philanthropically. One of my many long-term legacy goals I have would be to establish an endowment that would provide a scholarship to a student from my high school alma mater on an annual basis.

Check out the other 40 Under Forty for 2014 winners

Lindsey Mathieu

Tracy I. McKaveney

Ryan McKeen

Adam McLaughlin

H. Scott Miller

Alison Morris

Peter J. Murphy

Kristina Newman-Scott

Brandon Ojakian

Michelle M. Pandolfi

Erin Pirro

Ken Procino

Steven Raider-Ginsburg

Brian Rich

Matthew Ritter

Robert Ruffolo

Lindsay Ryan Jensen

Zachary Schwartz

Jarrett Solomon

Erica Ann Thompson

Tim Yergeau

Jennifer Young

Christopher R. Zito

McKinley Albert

Keshia Ashe

Dr. Jill Buban

Stephen Carrabba

Leticia Colon de Mejias

Erin M. Concepción

Molly Devanney

Jennifer R. Fiereck

Betsey Castle Gainey

Martin Gugliotti

Bryan Hall, II

Benjamin Howarth

Ashley (AJ) Johnson

Garrett Kenny

Vincenzo M. Landino

Heather Loranger

Ashley M. Maagero

Kim Margolis

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