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Jim Moylan

Employer: Wheeler Health
Title: Chair, Board of Trustees
Winner Category: Volunteer
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Jim Moylan worked in Connecticut’s healthcare industry for 45 years, including 30 as a hospital chief financial officer, before retiring. He is entering his ninth year on Wheeler’s board of trustees and his third as the chair.

He received his bachelor’s degree from Bentley University and his master’s from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Q: Why is he a HealthCare Hero?

Boards of any nonprofit come together for the good of the mission and community, lending countless volunteer hours, professional expertise and oversight.

Through his healthcare and management expertise, Moylan helped create a vision and new strategic plan for Wheeler that focuses on quality, equity and excellence. Assuming the role of chair just prior to the pandemic, Moylan then guided Wheeler through historically challenging times, increasing the organization’s reach, improving its facilities to better serve patients, sustaining high levels of services across the state, addressing social inequities in access to care and leading the drive to diversify Wheeler’s board of trustees.

Q: How has COVID-19 changed the way you do your job?

It was immediately clear COVID would not only change how Wheeler took care of everyone we serve, but also how our board needed to lead and strategize. Everyone adapted so well and I believe, as a group, we recommitted to our mission even more, seeing the impact we can make.

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