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January 28, 2013

KBE Building donates to Child Advocacy Center

KBE Building Corp. has donated $750 to the Child Advocacy Center as part of KBE's fourth annual 50 Ways to Make a Difference charitable giving program. The annual program is funded by both corporate donations as well as donations and volunteer time contributed by KBE's more than 120 employees. The Greater Hartford Children's Advocacy Center at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford serves children who are suspected victims of sexual abuse. The center provides pre-trial support and treatment for 400 children and 700 to 800 parents and/or caregivers each year. Pictured are, from left, Mike Kolakowski, president and CEO, KBE Building Corp.; Jonelle Lawhorn, director of marketing at KBE; Regina Dyton, program manager, The Children's Advocacy Center; Ross Mezzanotte, project manager with KBE; Mary Smullen, Women's Auxiliary of St. Francis, and Christopher M. Dadlez, president and CEO, St. Francis.

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