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Updated: November 15, 2020


MakerspaceCT, Devra Sisitsky, Executive Director


Honoree Category: Advancement in Healthcare — Innovation

Hartford’s MakerspaceCT is the state’s largest makerspace offering prospective inventors, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, hobbyists and students with access to tools, technology, equipment and resources to design and prototype new products.

Responding to the critical shortage of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers and first responders, MakerspaceCT — led by Executive Director Devra Sisitsky — launched an effort to manufacture PPE, and has produced 12,000 face shields from design to delivery.

MakerspaceCT developed and produced two versions of face shields, one of which was 3D printed. MakerspaceCT sourced needed materials, expedited production, and collected products for post-processing, assembly and distribution.

Completed face shields were delivered to healthcare and emergency personnel, and facilities across the state.

As Sisitsky described it: “Makers are innately resourceful; they can look at a problem and craft solutions from virtually thin air.”

“Our shop staff has been working tirelessly,” she added. “We have a community of makers working to source materials, design and improve prototypes, assemble products, and quickly get the products to the people who need them to support our communities.”

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