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Updated: November 15, 2020 / 2020 Health Care Heroes

Nancy Dupont

Nancy Dupont, Nursing Director of Epidemiology Infectious Disease, UConn Health


Honoree Category: Healthcare Staff

UConn Health Nursing Director of Epidemiology Nancy Dupont has always been a leader in biological illness preparedness and led the hospital’s effort to educate staff during COVID-19.

She shared insights related to personal protective equipment — including proper donning and doffing, mask reprocessing and facility and equipment cleaning — and the development of biocontainment area workflows within the nursing and ancillary departments.

Dupont was also instrumental in the consultation regarding engineering controls: HEPA filters, negative pressure, Plexiglas installation and waiting-room workflows.

She also consulted in outpatient areas for interventions, requirements and implementation of processes to ensure adequate social distancing for patients and staff. She worked on an enhanced, detailed workflow within the hospital’s maternal fetal unit to ensure the safety of all moms and babies; even when patients were arriving from high-risk states, she worked effectively to keep all safe.

Dupont also manned the COVID hotline for all staff 24/7, giving guidance and oversight to staff and patients.

She is also a passionate champion for UConn Health’s initiatives to prevent hospital-associated infections and is always keeping patients, staff and learners out of harm’s way.

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