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April 14, 2015

National groups, Malloy urge equal gender pay

A national report coinciding with the White House’s annual Equal Pay Day today urges Congress to pass laws that would create stronger wage-discrimination protections for women as well as mandated paid sick days and family medical leave days.

The report by the National Partnership for Women & Families said the wage gap in Connecticut contributes to women working fulltime being paid 22 cents less per dollar than men fulltime, according to U.S. Census and other data.

Connecticut’s gap puts it in the top 23-highest among states.

That 22 cents amounts to more than $6.8 billion in lost wages, according to the report, which said that’s enough for an average working woman here to pay 13 months of rent or buy nearly two years’ worth of food.

Working Latinas in the state make even less on the dollar compared to white men: 56 cents.

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman marked Equal Pay Day by urging the legislature to pass Malloy's bill that would ban employers for forbidding workers to discuss how much money they make.

“Pay secrecy allows the wage gap to flourish, putting women and minorities at an immediate economic disadvantage and lowering future earnings potential,” Wyman said in a statement.

There is disagreement over how the wage gap is measured and what causes it. Vox has a helpful explainer.

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