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August 4, 2016

New report highlights Hartford region's challenges

Stagnant overall job growth, low education levels and outmigration of college grads and other taxpayers are among the Hartford region’s largest challenges, according to a new report from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.

The 2016 edition of “Metro Hartford Progress Points” calls on government and private institutions to find ways to attract and keep millennials, expand and improve transportation infrastructure, and create more career pathways, among other initiatives.

“The need for systemic change implied by this report requires leadership and more regional coordination and integration,” the report reads.

Several specific challenges noted in the report include:

  • Net job growth in the region has been flat, but smaller and locally-owned businesses have increased employment by 23 percent between 1995 and 2013. At the same time, larger companies and employers headquartered out of state have decreased employment by 10 percent during this same time period, the report finds.

  • School enrollment in this region has declined by 7 percent since 2001, accounting for 29,000 additional empty classroom seats, yet education expenditures have increased 25 percent, the report finds.

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