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February 15, 2016 Nonprofit Notebook

Nonprofit Profile: University of St. Joseph

PHOTO | Contributed Pictured (from left) are: Tim Kane, Prides Corner sales manager; Denise K. Hornbecker, CEO of Channel 3 Kids Camp; and Mark Sellow, owner of Prides Corner Farms.

Channel 3 Kids Camp received a $5,000 donation from Prides Corner Farms Inc. of Lebanon. PCF is a supporter of children's charities and designated a portion of its sales of Sara's Superb Herbs to Channel 3 Kids Camp. Since 2001 Prides Corner Farms has donated over $200,000 to various causes, locally and regionally as a result of sales of Sara's Superb Herbs.

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Riverfront Recapture has received a $150,000 grant from Travelers to improve lighting in the Riverfront parks. The grant will update a significant number of existing decorative park lights from metal halide to LED lighting in 2015, positively affecting the appearance of Riverfront Recapture's parks in Hartford and East Hartford. This support will also significantly reduce electricity usage.

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The Hartford Guides Inc. recently received a $50,000 grant from the Hartford Foundation of Public Giving to continue to provide complimentary mobile light service roadside assistance in Hartford's neighborhoods on a 40-hour per week basis. The assistance will include automobile lock-out, jump start, emergency refueling and tire re-inflation service.

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Hartford Public Library hasreceived a $20,000 grant from the Nutmeg Foundation to fund a new online high school diploma pilot project. The pilot will provide online high school classes to a cohort of 10 Hartford students as a more flexible and accessible alternative to the traditional GED test.

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Bob's Discount Furniture will donate $45,000 to the Save the Children Federation, whose nutrition, health care, education and emergency response programs give millions of children each year a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. Half of this donation was made possible by customer contributions to collection jars in Bob's store cafes.

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Nonprofit Profile: MetroHartford Alliance

Nonprofit Profile: The Mark Twain House and Museum

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