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February 7, 2023

Plans submitted to replace burned-down Sigourney Market building in Hartford

COSTAR 97 Ashley St., Hartford

A market in Hartford’s North End destroyed in a fire last July may rise from the ashes.

The century-old building that housed the market at 97 Ashley St., was demolished after the fire. Now, property owner Rafael Flores is seeking to rebuild.

New Britain-based architect David Elias, acting on Flores’ behalf, has submitted plans for a roughly 7,000-square-foot retail market building. The neighborhood is zoned strictly for residential, but a market would be allowed as a preexisting nonconforming use, Elias said.

Elias said the proposed building needs approvals from both city land-use officials and Hartford’s Historic Preservation Commission. That has caused some headaches as the city’s planning office and some members of the Historic Preservation Commission have contrasting views as to the type of building that would be appropriate, Elias said.

Hartford planning staff wanted to see a “cottage-style” building, but the historic commission wanted a design mimicking the previously standing building, Elias said. The difference in direction from different arms of the city has held up drafting of building plans, Elias said.

Elais said he has adjusted the preliminary design to meet concerns voiced by Historic Preservation Commission members during a Jan. 25 meeting. Elias said he hopes to gain approval for the concept at a special meeting of the commission this Wednesday.  

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