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August 20, 2019

Sikorsky, Teamsters join forces on ‘pre-apprenticeship’ program

PHOTO | Contributed This summer Vanessa Maldonado (left) worked alongside mentor Mia Bridgeforth and other technical experts to earn pre-apprenticeship hours toward Aircraft Manufacturing certification as part of the Teamsters/Sikorsky Career Pathways program.

Under different circumstances, one of Connecticut’s largest manufacturers and its most powerful union might find themselves staring each other down across the negotiating table.

But for now Sikorsky Aircraft and Teamsters Local 1150, which represents some 4,000 workers at the Stratford helicopter maker, are joining hands and joining forces to help identify and train the next generation of aerospace workers.

Earlier this month, at a graduation ceremony for the Teamsters/Sikorsky Career Pathways Program, the union and the company, in cooperation with the state’s Department of Education and Department of Labor, announced the program’s newly registered Aircraft Manufacturing pre-apprenticeship program.

The announcement is the latest initiative of an 18-year training and career partnership between the Lockheed Martin affiliate and the Teamsters. The existing apprenticeship program, previously targeted at students in community colleges and vocational schools, is now being extended into high schools as well for pre-apprenticeship training.

The designation allows students to apply the hours of work and study certified to any aerospace manufacturer in Connecticut.

“The transition to a certified pre-apprenticeship is the next logical step for our program,” said Rocco Calo, secretary/treasurer of Teamsters Local 1150. “Not only will it help us to recruit those students who are looking for industry recognized credentials, but it helps to bolster U.S. manufacturing by preparing these students to work in any aerospace facility.”

“This pre-apprenticeship helps support Lockheed Martin’s commitment to create 8,000 new apprenticeship and workforce positions within the company through 2023,” said George Mitchell, Sikorsky vice president of Production Operations. “These students serve as a cornerstone of our talent pipeline and success of our workforce, as they help us fill advanced manufacturing occupations.”

Manufacturers in the state have complained for years of the dearth of skilled workers — and of the difficulties faced recruiting young people to train for a profession plagued by an outdated image problem but touted by many as a gateway to the middle class.

Teamsters Local 1150 is the sole bargaining representative for the workers at Sikorsky.


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