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May 25, 2023

Statewide legal conference set for June 5 at CT Convention Center

Contributed Paulette Brown (left), past president of the American Bar Association and National Bar Association, and Michelle Behnke, chair of the American Bar Association Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession and past president of the State Bar of Wisconsin, will speak at the 2023 Connecticut Legal Conference.

The biggest names in the legal industry will convene in downtown Hartford June 5, for the Connecticut Bar Association’s annual Connecticut Legal Conference.

Attorneys and legal professionals will gather at the Connecticut Convention Center from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. for the daylong event.

There will be an exhibitor showcase, UConn and Quinnipiac alumni breakfasts, and four breakout sessions, where attendees can select seminars to attend, followed by a reception.

The cost for Connecticut Bar Association members is $339 for the full day.

More than 30 seminars will be offered, including "The Symbiotic Relationship of Self-Care and Productivity," “Pay Transparency, Non-Competes, Arbitration Clauses, and Non-Disclosure Agreements: The Next Frontiers in Labor and Employment Law,” “Ethics and the Pro Bono Representation of Nonprofits” and “Reinvigorating the Lawsuit.”

There are also seminars on the ethical use of social media, new data privacy laws, the Connecticut Parentage Act of 2022, and an annual review of Connecticut Supreme and Appellate Court cases, among other topics.

Keynote speakers include Michelle Behnke, chair of the American Bar Association Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession and past president of the State Bar of Wisconsin, who will discuss networking skills for solo and small firms; and Paulette Brown, past president of the American Bar Association and National Bar Association, who will talk about networking and business development for attorneys at mid-size and large firms.

The Connecticut Bar Association’s annual meeting and luncheon will take place during lunch. During the meeting, the Connecticut Bar Association’s new officers for 2023-24 will be installed: President Margaret Castinado of the New Haven Public Defender’s Office; President-Elect James Shearin of Pullman & Comley, and Vice President Emily Gianquinto of McCarter & English.

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