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Total Communications Inc. 2022 Family Business Fifth Place 25 - 75 Full Time Employees

Industry: Technology services provider/advisor Year Founded: 1980 Website:
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Total Communications is an advisor to organizations, helping plan, develop, implement, protect and support their business operations through technology services.

Tell us a bit about your recent accomplishments.

In 2015, Richard Lennon sold the business to Frontier Communications. However, at the end of 2021, Scott Lennon solely purchased 100% of the business back, re-establishing it as privately-held company. While Total works with businesses and organizations of all sizes, holding one of only two of Cisco state contracts, we currently provide services to 40% of municipalities in Connecticut.

How has your company shifted its strategy during the pandemic?

Total moved to a remote workplace and are now starting to return to a hybrid model. We also shifted our focus to clients who were unsuited for remote work so that they could remain competitive through our collaboration services and products that represent a significant portion of our portfolio.

Where do you see your business in the next five years?

With our current footprint covering the Northeast, we expect to expand our business down the eastern seaboard. Also, as we develop more offerings to better benefit our current and prospective client base, the plan includes increasing staff size to meet the demands of our portfolio.

What are your family values and how do they contribute to your business success?

To run a successful business, we must always be focused on our clients’ needs and challenges. However, it is equally important to continuously invest in team Total, ensuring that employees feel safe, respected and fulfilled. With the average tenure being 19.5 years (many with 35-plus years), we are proud to keep the family’s tradition alive.

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