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January 3, 2023

Tweed Airport seeks OK for more parking on New Haven side

PHOTO | CONTRIBUTED Avelo 737 700 aircraft at Tweed prior to the airline's inaugural flight to Florida on Nov. 3, 2021.

Tweed New Haven Airport officials are set to ask New Haven’s City Plan Commission this month for 34 more parking spaces on paved property near the passenger terminal.

The request was on the agenda as of this week for the Jan. 18 regular meeting, where commissioners will be asked to consider a site plan review for additional parking on land regulated under wetlands rules. 

If approved, the plan allows airport manager Avports to install security fencing, add lighting and paint new markings on a 25,000-square-foot piece of previously-paved property within 100 feet of the terminal and Burr Street. 

Rising passenger numbers at Avelo Airlines prompted Avports last fall to ask for city approval of 203 more parking spots beyond the airport’s existing 927 spaces. The additional 34 spots to be considered are on land regulated under Coastal Management Area and Inland Wetlands Regulated Area rules. 

More parking is expected to be constructed with the new Tweed terminal planned for the East Haven side of the airport property. East Haven officials have said they would oppose the expansion.

Also on the City Plan agenda as of this week for the Jan. 18 meeting is a plan to convert an office building at 57 Trumbull St. into six apartment units and a public hearing on revisions to the city's Inclusionary Zoning Plan, which requires that developers set aside units for affordable housing. 

Contact Liese Klein at

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