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August 29, 2019 Deal Watch Today

Two Bloomfield plazas land more tenants

HBJ Photo | GREGORY SEAY Bloomfield's Northeast Plaza at 772 Park Ave.

Two of Bloomfield’s most visible retail plazas in its center are undergoing facelifts ahead of several upcoming tenant additions.

Landlord Matthew Levy, of Levy Properties LLC, of West Hartford, owner of both strip retail centers anchoring the town’s heavily traveled Park Avenue corridor, said the biggest tenant additions will occur at his Northeast Plaza, 772 Park Ave.

There, the 4,500-square-foot former Nature’s Grocer space, next door to Elizabeth’s Restaurant, will house a second location for Hartford’s Chosen 1 Cajun-seafood restaurant. It also will eventually house a relocated branch of Simsbury Bank & Trust Co.

Restaurateur Hecheng Chen confirms interior demolition and reconstruction will soon get underway on a kitchen and 80- to 100-seat dining room, with opening tentatively set for Jan. 2020. It will employ about 20 full-time staffers, Chen said.

Chen, whose first Chosen 1 restaurant opened at 2074 Park St. in Hartford, said he is responding to local demand for his menu offering. Chen opened his first Hartford area eatery, Ichiro Hibachi & Sushi, in West Hartford Center in 2007.

HBJ Photo | Sean Teehan
Owner Hecheng Chen plans to add another Chosen 1 Cajun Seafood restaurant in Bloomfield.

The empty bank-branch space, formerly a Farmington Bank office shut after it merged into People’s United Bank, is slated to house a soon-to-be relocated Bloomfield branch of Simsbury Bank.

Simsbury Bank also is undergoing a merger, with Liberty Bank. A Liberty spokeswoman said that once the deal closes, the Simsbury Bank branch at 864 Cottage Grove Road, in the Shoppes at Gillette Ridge, will relocate to the vacant 782 Park Ave. space. Workers recently sealed an opening on the plaza’s north wall, where a teller window had been located.

Once those vacancies fill, the strip center will boast 100 percent occupancy, Levy said.

At Amazing Plaza, 699 Park Ave., which concurrently is undergoing facade improvements, a new Kathy’s Urgent Care clinic will soon open in 3,800 square feet that formerly housed Ace Hardware and, later, a grocery, Levy said.

A Domino’s Pizza franchise has signed for 1,000 square feet in the plaza and will start pickup and delivery in the fall, he said.

Those, plus the plaza’s existing tenants, will lift the plaza to just 3 percent vacancy, the landlord said.


Correction: An earlier version incorrectly stated that Kathy's Urgent Care has opened.

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