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Updated: June 15, 2022 / 2022 Wealthiest people in CT

Wealthiest People in CT: 3. Paul Tudor Jones, II

Tudor Investment Corp., Stamford
2022 Net worth: $7.3 billion
More Information

Paul Tudor Jones II — the 67-year-old founder of Tudor Investment Corp. and its chief investment officer — began his career in the “cotton pits” (where cotton trades, like options and futures, are transacted) before he formed the Tudor Group in 1980.

Under his leadership, the firm has grown to include offices in Connecticut, New York, Palm Beach, Florida, London, Singapore and Sydney, while Jones’ personal net worth is believed to be about $7.3 billion, according to Forbes.

Tudor Investment embraces a discretionary global macro strategy — building portfolios around predictions and projections of large-scale countrywide events and geopolitical trends.

It also says it employs “rigorous, applied research methods to test investment hypotheses and design quantitative computer-driven trading models across various investment horizons and global liquid asset classes,” according to its website.

What’s on his mind now?

Earlier this year, Jones told CNBC that bitcoin is “… a great speculation.” The investment guru — who reportedly established Florida as his tax residence but maintains a home in the Belle Haven district of Greenwich — backed up his bitcoin belief with cryptocurrency investments representing up to 2% of his assets, according to the CNBC interview.

“Every day that goes by that bitcoin survives, the trust in it will go up,” he told the network.

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