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October 31, 2022 2022 Giving Guide

Anti-Defamation League Connecticut

Who are you helping, and how?

ADL is the leading anti-hate organization in the world. Since its founding in 1913, its timeless mission has been “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” Today, ADL continues to fight all forms of antisemitism and bias, using innovation and partnerships to drive impact.

The work of ADL is multi-faceted and extensive, with primary focuses on anti-bias education, public policy, advocacy and incident response. It is a global leader in combating antisemitism, countering extremism and battling bigotry wherever and whenever it happens. Above all, ADL strives to protect democracy and ensure a just and inclusive society for all.

ADL is comprised of 26 regional offices that provide grassroots support to their local communities. The Connecticut Regional Office, established in the early 1950s, is responsible for overseeing ADL’s operations in the state.

Last year alone, ADL Connecticut reached more than 20,000 students, educators, state employees, members of law enforcement and other community stakeholders through a robust anti-bias education program. These efforts provide the necessary tools and resiliency to combat antisemitism and establish proper channels of reporting instances of hate. From teaching high school students that Names Can Really Hurt Us to helping Jewish students learn the importance of Confronting Anti-Semitism, education builds hope that together we can overcome hatred and bigotry.

Additionally, ADL Connecticut has had a substantial impact in public policy and was a driving force behind the state’s modern hate crimes statute. Two years ago, the organization also helped to write Connecticut’s anti-cyber hate law. Members of the ADL community hold leadership roles on the Governor’s Hate Crimes Task Force as well.

While ADL continues to fight hate and bias, its work is far from over. In 2021, incidents of antisemitism in Connecticut increased by 42% from the previous year. Nationally, ADL recorded 2,717 antisemitic incidents during that same period, the highest total since ADL started tracking such data in 1979.

The data paints a clear picture that antisemitism and hate remain a serious concern. However, by responding together and building coalitions and partnerships, ADL steadily progresses toward its goal of fighting hate for good.

Goals for the next 12 months.

Goal 1: Counter Global Antisemitism

Goal 2: Fight Domestic Extremism

Goal 3: Build a Just, Inclusive Society

Goal 4: Enhance our Litigation Capacity

Goal 5: Strengthen ADL for the Future

Giving Opportunities

ADL is part of a collaborative campaign called Shine A Light (, a national coalition that uses the celebration of Chanukah to “shine a light” on antisemitism in the U.S. and offer actionable opportunities. Now through December 31, ADL invites major U.S. corporations and brands to celebrate Chanukah with a commitment to publicly and internally speak out against antisemitism while ensuring their organizational culture is one in which antisemitism — and all forms of hatred — aren’t tolerated. Email Jennifer Wallis, ADL Connecticut’s regional director of development, to learn more at

Individuals can be a part of Never Is Now, the world’s largest annual summit on antisemitism and hate, which will be held this year at the Javits Center in New York City on November 10. Join a global community of thousands to take bold action in the fight against hate. Register for the summit at

One-time or monthly financial contributions are also welcome to help support our work fighting antisemitism, combatting extremism, preventing hate crimes and securing justice for all.


During the pandemic, we adapted our trainings, programs and community events to a digital interface to continue delivering high-quality programming. We are delighted to continue to offer ways to partner with us online and in-person. There are programs for students, educators, individuals and employers.

“Our school has repeatedly partnered with the ADL to enhance our inclusive, welcoming culture through their No Place for Hate program. A dedicated team of teachers, parents and students created school-wide activities that educated students on important topics — like the difference between kindness and respect — and communicated a clear, unified message that all students deserve a place where they belong. Our entire faculty is proud of and grateful for what the ADL program offered our students and staff; everyone in our community benefits from this work.”

Kent Hurlburt

Principal, Gideon Welles School, Glastonbury, CT


Founded in 1913, we are a leading anti-hate organization aimed at ending the defamation of the Jewish people, securing justice and fair treatment for all. We fight antisemitism and bias in all its forms through innovation and partnerships.