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August 19, 2021

Mark Torello, 2002 40 Under Forty Winner



Year Won: 2002

Current Age: 54

Current Title: Partner-in-Charge, Technology

Current Company: Whittlesey

Q: What is your biggest professional accomplishment since receiving this award?

A:  Building Whittlesey’s technology division as a leading technology and cybersecurity resource in Connecticut and western Massachusetts, differentiated by a deep bench strength in cyber-forensics, managed technology services and accounting system consulting services is my biggest professional accomplishment.

I received the award shortly after  launching our technology division. Over the years, we’ve helped many clients optimize and secure their IT infrastructures. Recent global events have caused many businesses and nonprofit organizations to reevaluate their data security. I am incredibly proud of the amazing team we have assembled since being named a 40 Under Forty awardee. Daily, they support and protect our clients from cybercriminals and help businesses and organizations respond to attacks and successfully recover.