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Company Profiles

  • Dutch Point Credit Union

    Dutch Point Credit Union has been dedicated to promoting the power of community-driven finance for the better part of 65 years.

  • Seabury

    As Church Home of Hartford, Inc., d.b.a.

  • Electrical Contractors Inc.

    In the same year that saw Neil Armstrong travel to the moon, a friendship was forged here in Connecticut.

  • The Barn Yard

    The father-and-son team of Bill and Everett Skinner III opened The Barn Yard in 1984 with a straightforward goal – to build top quality barns, garages and sheds while also providing an unparalleled

  • HAI Group

    When public housing authorities were looking for insurance in the 1980s, they found few carriers willing to take the risk at a price the authorities could afford.

  • Titan Energy

    At the dawn of the 21st century, entrepreneurs John Kearney and Jerry Hawkins dove into the newly deregulated business of energy procurement in electricity and natural gas.

  • HealthMarkets

    For a comprehensive array of insurance options in health, life, travel and more, the agent to call in the Hartford area is Nicole Vacila, who has been based in Cromwell for the last seven years.

  • Vancord

    Information and data have become the currency of the world we live in, an invisible but ever-present resource streaming through the digital universe.

  • Hartford Business Improvement District (BID)

    The Hartford Business Improvement District (BID) works hard to create a positive, welcoming, vibrant experience in the commercial heart of Hartford.

  • Long Wharf Theatre

    For nearly 60 years, Long Wharf Theatre has served as an anchor arts institution for the Greater New Haven region.

  • Longview Vitality

    Longview Vitality is expanding the concept of Executive Coaching and a broader definition of success with the Longview Vitality Success Method, a holistic approach that will help you unlock your fu